Domine o xadrez

Guias e táticas para todos os níveis. Aprenda e vença no xadrez!

Sobre nós - ChessX

No ChessX, aprimoramos suas habilidades no xadrez com guias, táticas e análises para todos os níveis. Aprenda a tomar decisões inteligentes e torne-se um mestre no jogo.

A person is sitting behind a chessboard, focusing on the game. The chess pieces are prominently displayed in the foreground with a combination of black and white pieces. The individual appears to be contemplating the next move, hands clasped together in front of their face.
A person is sitting behind a chessboard, focusing on the game. The chess pieces are prominently displayed in the foreground with a combination of black and white pieces. The individual appears to be contemplating the next move, hands clasped together in front of their face.

Aprenda e vença

Aprimore seu Jogo

Descubra táticas e estratégias para se tornar um mestre no xadrez, independentemente do seu nível.

Guias para Iniciantes

Aprenda os fundamentos do xadrez e comece sua jornada rumo à maestria no jogo.

Chess pieces are arranged on a board in a strategic setup, viewed from a low angle. The focus is on the black pieces in the foreground with blurred white pieces in the background. The setting is softly lit with a modern and slightly futuristic atmosphere.
Chess pieces are arranged on a board in a strategic setup, viewed from a low angle. The focus is on the black pieces in the foreground with blurred white pieces in the background. The setting is softly lit with a modern and slightly futuristic atmosphere.
Estratégias Avançadas

Aprofunde-se em táticas complexas e eleve seu jogo a um novo patamar de excelência.

A close-up view of chess pieces on a board, with the white pieces prominently displayed and in focus. In the background, a person appears blurred, suggesting intense concentration or contemplation.
A close-up view of chess pieces on a board, with the white pieces prominently displayed and in focus. In the background, a person appears blurred, suggesting intense concentration or contemplation.